Hello, everyone! *waves*

I love reading book tags because I come across so many new books through this and at the same time it is such a nice way to get to know a fellow blogger. I came across The Opposites Book Tag on Vicky’s blog and I thought it’d be a good bookish post to start my book blog with. So without further ado, let’s start! 🙂

The first book in your collection and the last book you bought

I distinctly remember going to the railway station, with my dad, to pick up my uncle and his family when I was three years old and asking dad to buy me a Champak. It is a bi-monthly magazine for children full of short stories and comics. Quite obviously, I couldn’t read it at that time so I had asked my grandpa to read it aloud to me. I know it isn’t a “book” but at that age, it felt like one to me.

The last book that I bought was “An Ember in the Ashes” by Sabaa Tahir. I haven’t read it yet but it has been sitting on my TBR pile since I came across it. I bought it around three weeks back.



A cheap book and an expensive book

Enid Blyton’s “Five Go to Billycock Hill” from her Famous Five series at Rs 95 (!) is definitely the cheapest book that I’ve ever bought.


And as for expensive, I pre-ordered Harry Potter and the Cursed Child as soon as it was available on Amazon and at the discounted price of Rs 650, it is quite a pocket pinch.

A book with a male protagonist and a female protagonist

My favorite book with a male protagonist is The Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. These books are just absolutely incredible.


Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games trilogy and Tris Prior from the Divergent Trilogy are my favorite female protagonists. These characters are such excellent portrayal of bravery and they are a few of my favorite characters ever.



A book you read fast and one that took you long to read

I took less than a day to read John Green’s The Fault in our Stars and till date, it is the fastest that I’ve ever finished a book.

The third book in the Meluha trilogy, The Oath of the Vayuputras, written by Amish Tripathi took me a LOOOONG time to finish. It is a pretty thick book plus the dialogues are monotonous and never ending. There were times when I seriously contemplated leaving that book but I didn’t because irrespective of all the stupidity that was going on, I had to know the ending.


A book with a pretty cover and one with an ugly one

I absolutely loved the cover of The Selection by Kiera Cass. Even though the blurb wasn’t very exciting, that gorgeous cover was the reason why I read that book. 😛

the selcetion cover.jpg

I personally don’t think that any book cover is “ugly” but I’ve come across a few covers that have put me off instantly and one of them is the cover of City Of Bones by Cassandra Clare (SORRY!). I’ve read so many great reviews of this book and it has been recommended to me so many times but for some reason, the cover always stops me. I’m just waiting to come across a  different edition of it.

city of bones.jpg


A national book and an international one

Ruskin Bond has been one of my most favorite authors since I was in middle school and his omnibus is one of the most memorable books that I’ve read. He paints such a beautiful image of the Indian landscape and his characters are all so endearing.


When it comes to international, it is a no brainer. The Harry Potter series. The books made my childhood and I firmly believe that had I never read those books, I’d have turned out to be quite a different person.


A thin book and a thick book

Now I don’t read that many “thin” books but out of all the books that I’ve read, Stephen Chbosky’s The Perks of Being a Wallflower is probably the most suited for this one.



The Complete Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is HUGE. I mean, just look at the size of it! Plus, the font inside is absolutely teeny-tiny.



A fiction book and a non-fiction book

I tend to always stick to fiction and it is impossible for me to pick just one. The Harry Potter series by JKR, the Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins, The Fault In Our Stars by John Green and The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown are a few of my favorite fiction books.

Recently I started reading Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants. Even though I’ve not finished it yet, I really enjoyed the parts that I did read. It is a really amusing and fun book.


A book that made you happy and one that made you sad

The ending of Jenny Han’s “P.S. I Still Love You” (the second book of the Lara Jean duology) made me really happy. It is one of those fluffy romances which is suitable for light reading and I really enjoyed the book. I found myself totally satisfied with the ending.


Nicholas Sparks is the IT author to give you red puffy eyes. I remember reading A Walk to Remember back in ninth grade and I swear, I cried out the entire Mariana Trench. The ending shattered my heart to a million pieces. The same goes for John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars.

This is it  for my first post. I hope you enjoyed reading it! I’d love to hear your thoughts so do comment. Everyone is welcome to do this book tag. If you do it then make sure to comment me the link. I’d love to read it! 😀







12 thoughts on “THE OPPOSITES BOOK TAG

  1. This was a really fun tag to read, as it probably was to write about as well!:) I’m glad you have stuff like this on here and not just book reviews!

    p.s. HOW DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER YOUR FIRST BOOK? I don’t, that’s for sure.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It was really fun to do too! That’s why this was my first post on here. 😀
      Just book reviews would be kinda boring.. So I included these other features too. Everyone does actually. 🙂
      I do .. I just do, lint! It was such a BIG moment in my life and I dunno why but that moment is just etched in my brain. I remember going back home and making my grandpa read those stories aloud to me.. I was too young to read it by my own then .:p

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Books With A Purpose Tag! – The Bookish Agenda

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